Wednesday, August 09, 2006

No. 9, Claypath Lane

The Maltings

The Maltings is a fairly new hostelry in South Shields, situated in Claypath Lane opposite The Brittania, it occupies the building previously known as The Chamealeon. As a pub it's great and I like it, it has become the usual meeting place for members of our Message Board when an ex-pat is returning for a visit to South Shields.
The Maltings has it's own micro brewery on the ground floor and the pub is situated on the first floor, it offers a good selection of "real ales", Jarrow Bitter being my particular favourite.

One of the signs above the entrance alludes to the old Westoe Brewhouse which was situated probably less than two hundred yards away in Dunelm Street, just behind Wharton Street, a nice link to local history for a hostelry.

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Location: South Shields, Tyne Wear, United Kingdom

Born in 1956, I'm a retailer, father and husband, with two young children a son born in 1997 and a daughter in 2001. I am also a former borough Councillor who has had his passion for people and politics reawakened recently.