Friday, September 15, 2006

Golden slumbers

Harbour sunset

A lone angler and his boat bobbing about in the quiet harbour of the River Tyne, South Shields. I liked this sunset so much, I decided to mount it on the wall, using a Photoshop action.

This shot is featured in this week's Best of Daily Photo

picture of the sunset in South Shields harbour


Oooh Curly this is a lovely photo !
It looks like a postalcard.

Have a nice weekend!
Very nice! The sea looks like a sheet of ice.
I like the colours of the sky and their reflection in the water.
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Location: South Shields, Tyne Wear, United Kingdom

Born in 1956, I'm a retailer, father and husband, with two young children a son born in 1997 and a daughter in 2001. I am also a former borough Councillor who has had his passion for people and politics reawakened recently.