Saturday, January 13, 2007


picture of Frederick Street, South Shields

Frederick Street, South Shields.

This picture saddens me deeply. This street was one of the busiest that I had ever experienced, it was full of hustle and bustle, it was longer, and crowded with busy shops and busy people when I was a boy. Now it's people have gone, its shops are shuttered and deserted, and some of the properties are decaying rapidly. Just what went wrong?


What is happening is the death of the small local store and the influx of the Box Store, Staples, Toys R Us, Walmart.
This situation has been going on for a while in Canada.
Your picture looks like it is in Iraq with all the shutters.
I was in Bolton Lancs, last spring and at night, every shop in the town centre is shutters, no glass in sight....from Bolton but now in BC Canada (My mother was from Jarrow)
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Location: South Shields, Tyne Wear, United Kingdom

Born in 1956, I'm a retailer, father and husband, with two young children a son born in 1997 and a daughter in 2001. I am also a former borough Councillor who has had his passion for people and politics reawakened recently.