Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"Titty Lizzie"

picture of statue at South Shields Town Hall

The Town Hall

The Georgian Town Hall in South Shields is widely acknowledged as one of the most ornate and majestic public buildings in the North of England. Originally it had a statue of Queen Victoria outside along with six of her escorts which popularly became known as the "Tittie Lizzies" (yes, we are pretty much down to earth up here!).
Some years later, Victoria's statue was removed to a public garden at Chichester but her escorts were placed on a terrace in the South Marine Park, where four remain to this day. After the opening of the Tyneside Metro Rapid Transit System Queen Victoria was brought back to the Town Hall because the garden at Chichester was to become a Metro station, she is now attended by a pair of "Tittie Lizzies" which helps to balance the front facade of this fine building and provide some symmetry.


well they certainly are balanced....I mean the facade is balanced...that's what I mean. Really. Tittie Symmetry at it's finest.
Great photo!
As for Blogger....not sure if your template will create any issues once Blogger "invites" you to switch. If you're a HTML wizard though it probably won't really matter much.
OK, tittie is ... evident, but why Lizzie? Just to rhyme? It has nothing to do, for example, with the past or current Queens of the.. you know... similar name?
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Location: South Shields, Tyne Wear, United Kingdom

Born in 1956, I'm a retailer, father and husband, with two young children a son born in 1997 and a daughter in 2001. I am also a former borough Councillor who has had his passion for people and politics reawakened recently.