Thursday, August 31, 2006

Big Rock, Little Rock

Little Rock is not in Arkansas!

Rock pools uncovered at low tide at the foot of Marsden Rock, South Shields, home to colonies of kittywakes and guillemots. I think a little "selective colouring" works quite well here!

picture of Marsden Rock, South Shields



Wednesday, August 30, 2006


A life guard walks across the beach

South Shields Volunteer Lifeguard Brigade is one of the oldest in the country and we are proud to have them and their historic watch house on the pier. Here, a life guard strolls across the beach on a regular patrol in summer.

picture, lifeguard on beach



Tuesday, August 29, 2006



At a recent event in Souter Lighthouse, Marsden, South Shields, members of S.T.A.R. (South Tyneside Amateur Radio Society) were introducing youngsters to the hobby. Whilst I was with them, their radio station with the "special" callsign GB2SJ made contacts with other "hams" in Germany, Canada, and Belgium.

picture, amateur radio station



Monday, August 28, 2006

Postcard from Hexham

Hexham Abbey.

On our recent day out in Hexham we also visited the Abbey founded by St. Wilfred in AD 674. I have used a template here for this postcard style, I can just drag and drop the pictures into the Photoshop psd file.

picture postcard, Hexham Abbey



Sunday, August 27, 2006

Big Top.

The day the circus came to town.

The Big Kidz circus arrived in town, comprisiong performers from Russia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria, they are currently situated on a farmer's field in New Road, Boldon Colliery. Here is their big top.

picture, circus big top, New Road, Boldon Colliery, South Shields



Saturday, August 26, 2006

Spinning a coin.

Get your money in quick.

An away day photo, we had a day out in Hexham yesterday and there was a fun fair in one of the car parks. You would have to be pretty quick to get your hands into your pockets to pay for this ride!

picture - fairground ride



Friday, August 25, 2006

Silent Night

Marsden Rock at night.

I decided to try a little night time photography tonight and this is the best shot that I brought home. It's Marsden Rock situated in Marsden Bay, part of our beautiful coastline in South Shields.
Bearing in mind the following; the camera is a 5 Mp Konica Minolta Dimage Z3, iso 400, exposure was 15 seconds at f3.2, mounted on a velbon tripod, but all of my pictures were affected by noise. This was one has been run through Noiseware to try and reduce the chroma and luma noise as much as possible. Perhaps it was too dark, well after sunset, perhaps I should try early one morning just before sunrise?

picture-Marsden Rock, South Shields



Thursday, August 24, 2006

Smelly balls!

Deodorant anyone?

Market stall in South Shields, whatever next will children want to play with?

picture, market stall



Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dark Secrets

Cafe Nero

Secret conversation over Dark Americano coffee at South Shields latest coffee house, Cafe Nero, in King Street (looks like the walls have ears.)

picture, inside coffe house



Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Spinning a colourful yarn!

Knit one, purl two.

M&N Wool Shop in the Market Place, South Shields, is run by the very hospitable Jean and her husband John, they have a very varied and colourful stock of wools for all knitters. Sorry, they don't have a website but you can telephone them (+44 0191 4565217).

picture, hanks of wool



Monday, August 21, 2006

Marsden Rattler

Your coach awaits.

I will return to this theme at a later date.

The Marsden Rattler is a fairly modern public house on Sea Road, South Shields facing the beach and the North Sea, it is noted for it's two train coaches parked outside serving as a lounge and restaurant. The pub is sited on the former route of the "Marsden Rattler" railway line which was part of the Harton to Whitburn mineral route.

Amazingly I took this shot handheld at night without the aid of a tripod, the Konica Minolta Dimage Z3's anti-shake mechanism has it's uses!

picture, the Marsden rattler public house, South Shields



Sunday, August 20, 2006

Waiting for a train.

Chichester Metro Station

Early morning commuters waiting to board a Metro train to Newcastle - upon -Tyne. Many people in South Shields commute to one of the larger cities to their jobs from here (Newcastle or Sunderland.) This shot was taken at Chichester Metro Station.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting



Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tall Ships Race

Leaving on the high tide.

The Tall Ships visited us last year, I've pulled this old image out of the files to depict the ships leaving the harbour of the River Tyne. The old Groyne lighthouse will have seen plenty of these in it's history.

picture of tall ships



Friday, August 18, 2006

Mining Disaster

St. Hilda's Colliery Memorial

This old pit winding wheel is mounted on land near St. Hilda's Colliery behind the Market Place, South Shields. 51 lives were lost in a methane explosion on 28th. June 1839, sadly this memorial is very overgrown by shrubbery and is now difficult to find.

picture of colliery wheel



Thursday, August 17, 2006


Just add water.

Interesting shapes and textures in the rockpools uncovered at low tide, Marsden Bay, South Shields.

picture of rockpools



Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pink Floss

Candy floss stall

A temporary lull in trade at the Amphitheatre, Sea Road, South Shields.

picure, candy floss stall



Tuesday, August 15, 2006


DFDS Seaways

Two ferries moored on the Tyne, DFDS Seaways sails regular cruises to Amsterdam, these were viewed from Harton Staithes near the Market Place, South Shields.

picture, DFDS ferries



Monday, August 14, 2006

For whom did the bell toll?

The Old Town Hall

Bell mounted on the side of the old Town Hall in the Market Place, South Shields. Was it used to call people together for important announcements? Perhaps a local historian can supply the answer.

picture, bell on old town hall



Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Tyne

DHSS Mural

This mural painted on the side of the DHSS building in the Market Place, South Shields, represents the town's maritime history and depicts The Tyne lifeboat, designed by William Wouldhave in 1790.

picture, DHSS mural, market place, south shields



Saturday, August 12, 2006

Distant horizon

The long walk

The underside of the elevated promenade/walkway on Sea Road, South Shields

picture of covered promenade, South Shields



Friday, August 11, 2006

Splashing out!

Tommy's Party

Is this where the little girl on the beach went? Tommy's Parties are held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the month of August at the Amphitheatre, Sea Road, South Shields, hosted by "Tommy the Trumpeter" aka Ray Spencer, the Director of The Customs House. Great free entertainment!

picture of Tommy's Party



Thursday, August 10, 2006

Two pink shoes

Where did she go?

A little girl was playing on the beach in South Shields, had she gone to "Tommy's Party"?

pink shoes picture



Wednesday, August 09, 2006

No. 9, Claypath Lane

The Maltings

The Maltings is a fairly new hostelry in South Shields, situated in Claypath Lane opposite The Brittania, it occupies the building previously known as The Chamealeon. As a pub it's great and I like it, it has become the usual meeting place for members of our Message Board when an ex-pat is returning for a visit to South Shields.
The Maltings has it's own micro brewery on the ground floor and the pub is situated on the first floor, it offers a good selection of "real ales", Jarrow Bitter being my particular favourite.

One of the signs above the entrance alludes to the old Westoe Brewhouse which was situated probably less than two hundred yards away in Dunelm Street, just behind Wharton Street, a nice link to local history for a hostelry.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting



Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Marsden Rock

Still standing!

A sepia toned study of what remains of Marsden Rock in Marsden Bay, South Shields, a good third of the limestone edifice collapsed into the North Sea in 1996.

Picture of Marsden Rock, South Shields



Monday, August 07, 2006


St. Michael's church

The church of St. Michael and All Angels, Westoe, South Shields, silhouetted against a colourful sky at dawn.

Image Hosted by



Sunday, August 06, 2006

Slow Coaches

Taking the train.

Children playing in the park, perked up with a little fill-flash.

Image Hosted by



Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mouth of Tyne Festival

The Diva.

Sumptuous evening entertainment in Sea Road, South Shields, during the recent Mouth of the Tyne Festival, this "Diva" was part of an all encompassing street theatre project which drew huge crowds.

Image Hosted by



Friday, August 04, 2006

Early birds

Fishing under the rock.

Early anglers fishing below Marsden Rock, South Shields, the early worms catching a bite?

Picture, anglers at Marsden Rock



Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lend a hand

A collection of hand decorations found at the Cultures Together Mela in the Bents Park, South Shields

picture of bangles



Wednesday, August 02, 2006


A South Shields vintage "Merryweather" fire engine on display during the Tyne Wear vintage run which culminated in the Bents Park, South Shields.

South Shields fire engine picture



Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Quiet rest.

Cleadon Hills form part of the "green belt" barrier between South Shields and Sunderland, this image was taken on my old 2.2 Mpx Konica Digital Revio point and shoot camera, and has featured on some of my other websites. A nice silhoutte of a couple out for an early evening walk across the hills.

Picture of old mill on Cleadon Hills, South Shields



Old Scripps

This was taken on a trip to Goathland in North Yorkshire, the village is used as the set for the ITV programme "Heartbeat" and most of the locations will be instantly recognised by fans of the 1960's police series. Scripp's Garage and Undertakers is on the main street and this picture shows an old petrol pump and discarded tyres. Originally in colour, I desaturated it and played with the brightness and contrast to get the desired black and white image.

As with all of the images shown in this blog, your comments will always be welcome.

Scripps garage, Goathland picture



My Photo
Location: South Shields, Tyne Wear, United Kingdom

Born in 1956, I'm a retailer, father and husband, with two young children a son born in 1997 and a daughter in 2001. I am also a former borough Councillor who has had his passion for people and politics reawakened recently.